Thursday, March 10, 2011

Bebe Jake

Today Jake Martin is 1 week old, but it feels like he has always been here. Sydney, Ethan & Reid are so in love with their new baby brother. Reid relishes his role as "big brother," and the joy of his day is being asked to help me with diaper changes. Jeff's mom is with us for the week, which has been really helpful as I recover from the surgery and take care of Jake. Here are some snapshots from our week at home.

Little monkey in his new car seat from Grandpa & Grandma Z.

Jeff had all 4 kids on him after dinner tonight!

Starting to take naps in his crib in the boys' room

Reid looks so huge next to Jake!

Reid reading Little Black Sambo to Jake


The Perreca Family said...

Congratulations- he is so adorable- as are all your kids!!

mgibble said...

Congratulations to you and your family. Jake is a very handsome fella. I hope you are recouping and doing well. Take care! Michele

Beverly said...

He is absolutely precious! (Andrew also has the monkey sleeper. :)
Tell Jeff he got one "clone" (Ethan), but the others are all you, girl!!
Love ya, and congrats again!

Crystal said...

he is precious, melanie!! congrats to you guys!

FreeK said...

He is precious, I'm glad God had a plan to give you this bundle of joy. Enjoy every moment!