Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Easy Bake Disappointment

Well, Ethan managed to save up his money for the desired Easy Bake Oven, so we went to Toys R Us today to buy it. It ended up being a disappointment to him. The pans are so small, and it took about 1.5 hours to make 4 little gluten free chocolate cakes! He thought the whole oven would be the size of a play kitchen, so for it to be small, and for the pans to be so tiny was a big let down. He said he wants to return it. I think he's just happier baking in the real kitchen.

It reminds me of a let down I had as a kid. I was a huge Annie fan (remember her and Miss Hanagan?). My mom one night called me down to see her with such excitement in her voice- she had found an Annie section in the big Sears catalog!!!! There was never a 2nd grader more excited than I was! When we opened to the page it was supposed to be on, it wasn't Annie at was Arnie... Arnold Palmer, the golfer, had a line of clothing for Sears.

I have to say this was a let down for me too. I always wanted an Easy Bake Oven as a kid, but I never had one, so I was almost as excited as Ethan was about this. Now he has a wad of money and he's not sure what he wants when he returns the oven. I think when I take him back to Toys R Us, I will take him by himself, because I know it will take him a long time to figure out how to burn that money!

Monday, July 26, 2010

New Haircut & 2 Entreprenuers

Last week, Reid got a new haircut. Jeff wanted him to get his hair buzzed for the last few months, so I finally consented...I'm sure his head is a lot cooler with all this summer heat, but I do miss his hair!!
Chillin' with B on the rocking chair...
Sydney & Reid playing on Ethan's bed...
Sydney is saving up her money for an American Girl doll. As expensive as they are, she has a way to go, but we did find we can get one a bit cheaper on ebay. Ethan is saving his money for an Easy Bake Oven. (He loves to cook, and I bet one day he'll have his own cooking show called Gluten Free Eatin' With Ethan!) Although they earn money each day for chores, they have been looking for ways to earn more. So they both set up shops in their rooms.

Sydney set up her own jewelery shop- see how she set all her handiwork on her lamp for display? She made Christmas ornaments out of colored paper clips and beads, which is what is hanging off the flowers on the lamp. I love the look on her face...she looks so proud of herself and excited about her creations. She was more than thrilled when I bought some of her wares.
She was especially excited about how her lamp looked turned on with the handmade jewelery on it.
Ethan's store was a bit more ecclectic. He was selling a collection of Playmobils, jibitts, a Gideon's Bible, and a homemade lepprechaun trap (the playmobil island with an Egyptian oar sticking out of it which was attached to a pen by a green string.)

He wanted $20 for the Gideon's Bible.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Garden, Swim Lessons, and a Birthday

Here's a picture of a huge zucchini from our garden!

For Sydney's 7th birthday, she had 2 of her friends sleep over. Sidney, Sydney & Aliza had Papa John's pizza, learned finger knitting, watched a movie, ate yummy bakery treats, and played shadow games before crashing on Sydney's bedroom floor. Jeff & the boys went out to dinner and Toy Story 3.

So then we were in VA on Sydney's actual birthday, so she had another party at Grammy & Papa's house with cousins Riley & Liam and dear friends Alexa, Emmaline & Harrison.
Our blackberry bushes went nuts this year!!!
2 weeks of swim lessons in VA with the Morgan Swim School produced 2 very confident swimmers! Here they are with Miss Sarah.

Here is an excerpt from an email I sent to the swim school:

Sydney (age 7) went from being convinced she would drown in the water (unless she had on a life vest or could stand in the shallow end) to jumping in and swimming (with rocket hands) to the other end of the pool. Ethan (age 5) was so cautious of the water, and as it turned out, jumping into the pool ended up being his most favorite part of swim lessons!!

The best part, though, was on the last day of class, after Miss Sarah worked with the 3 of us in the water and she & I were talking, Sydney and Ethan were playing ring-around-the-rosies in the pool and going under water at the end!!! They were having so much fun doing this!!! My kids have never wanted to go under water, and here they were so happy about going under at the end!

Coming from out of state added an extra cost to my family- both financially, and in the amount of energy expended, but wow! This was so worth it!

I so appreciate how Sarah handled Sydney & Ethan. She expected them to listen, just as we do at home. She was never deterred by their behavior when they were afraid, and because she did not allow their fear to control the lesson, they learned a tremendous amount and gained a vast amount of confidence in the water.