Thursday, March 31, 2011

4 Weeks

Have 4 weeks really passed since sweet Jake was born? How I wish I could just freeze time right now. It's going by way too fast for all of my children. We've been on spring break this week. It's been a week of staying at home, but our home has been filled with friends each day. What a gift! It's been a delight to just be at home with all the kids for the week, especially since we've had visits (and most of the time, meals too!) to look forward to.

All warm and cozy after his breakfast
This week, Jake began to coo. His little "ahhhh" and "oooohhh" sounds are so sweet! He's eating and sleeping well, getting up once in the night to eat and going back to sleep. Last night I fed him at 9:30pm, and he slept till 3am! Getting a full night's sleep (for me) is (hopefully) just a few weeks away.
lEthan, Jake, Reid & Sydney
After school once a week for 6 weeks, Sydney & Ethan have been going to Mad Science. This term they are learning about outer space in a program designed by NASA. Last week, they made bouncy balls and then turned them into comets!
Sydney said something really beautiful a few days ago when it was so windy. "Mommy, the wind is God's cape. He's walking all around everywhere, and His glorious cape is the blowing of the wind."

The boys' hands...Ethan's on the bottom, then Reid's, then Jake's

Reid takes so much pride in being a big brother. Jake's umbilical cord stump finally fell off, and Reid said, "Oh, now he has a big brother belly button."

Another funny from Reid was a few nights ago. We were looking at his newborn pictures, and he noticed he was crying in them. Jeff asked him why he was crying in the pictures to which Reid replied, "I was cryin' because you cut off my cord!"

Jake's "bedroom" for now is in our living room.

After dinner tonight, all ready for bed

On a different topic, have you watched Food, Inc. yet? How about Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price? Both are available on Netflix instant. What struck me as one common thread between these two documentaries is how both the food industry and Wal-Mart prey upon and exploit the poor and the weak. While I've never enjoyed going to Wal-Mart (and will not shop there at all now), and for several years have only purchased local grass fed beef, pastured eggs, etc., I have made these decisions for the benefit of my family. After watching these films, I see how the choices we make do not just impact our families, but our communities and our nation.

Jake is alerting me that it is time for him to eat, so I'm signing off for now... he must have known his mother was about to get on her soap box! :-)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Three Weeks

Sydney & Ethan enjoy feeding Jake a bottle last Saturday morning.

Ethan tilling the land to plant wildflowers

Jake in his Sweet Peace swing from Gran

One of the best things about this swing is that the seat comes out and Jake's carseat can snap in!
Reid was in the army today in his raincoat!
3 weeks old today!

Ethan's & Reid's bunk bed was a Christmas gift from Grammy & Papa. They just got new comforters and Curious George sheets with birthday money. Thanks Grandma, Gran, and Grandpa & Grandma Z!
Ethan just started wrestling with a local team. It's been awesome to watch Jeff practice with him. Here he is with his new wrestling shoes. He was so concerned with keeping his eyes open for the photo that he couldn't smile!

Sydney poses in a new dress. Yesterday, she celebrated her 3/4 birthday at school since she has a summer birthday. More importantly, it was also a spiritual birthday for her, as she was born again 4 years ago yesterday. She shared the story with her class about how at age 3 3/4 while we were waiting in the service station for our oil in the van to be changed, she prayed to ask Jesus into her heart. One thing I love about her story is that her desire to be born again was unprompted by me, it was only the work of the Holy Spirit. Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

2 Weeks

Two weeks have passed since God brought our little Jake Martin into the world. As I sit here with him for our middle of the night nursing date (thus typing with one hand), I am reflecting on how precious he is. If the Lord had not surprised us with this baby, we never would have had a 4th child. It makes me wonder what sort of special purpose the Lord has for this little guy's life.

He found his thumb! But he hasn't had access to it since this shot because I covered his hands due to him scratching his face.

How the older kids love their baby!

Reud turned 3 on Sunday!

Today Reid picked me this bouquet of flowers today. These are indeed precious days with young kids!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

What Not To Say To A Woman Who's Just Had a Baby

I still look pregnant...still in maternity clothes...and I'm okay with that for now. In the waiting room at the pediatrician's office Wednesday, a woman was asking me about Jake. She then said, " have a 6 day old and you are already pregnant again?"

Bebe Jake

Today Jake Martin is 1 week old, but it feels like he has always been here. Sydney, Ethan & Reid are so in love with their new baby brother. Reid relishes his role as "big brother," and the joy of his day is being asked to help me with diaper changes. Jeff's mom is with us for the week, which has been really helpful as I recover from the surgery and take care of Jake. Here are some snapshots from our week at home.

Little monkey in his new car seat from Grandpa & Grandma Z.

Jeff had all 4 kids on him after dinner tonight!

Starting to take naps in his crib in the boys' room

Reid looks so huge next to Jake!

Reid reading Little Black Sambo to Jake

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sydney, Our Psalmist

Last Friday at school chapel, the second graders presented psalms they had written. Jake & I were still in the hospital, but Jeff and his parents got to go. Ethan got to sit in Jeff's lap for chapel, which was a huge treat for him! They told me Sydney did a great job, but yesterday she brought her psalm home for me to read. Besides scripture itself, this is the most beautiful psalm I have ever read, and my heart swells knowing it came from a little girl I am blessed to call my own.

Everything Praises Jesus
by Sydney Chandler

We see birds chirping praises to him.
We see bees making honey to praise him.
We see the moon reflecting light from the sun to praise him.
We see flowers showing colors to praise him.
We see the ocean swirling, churning water splashing praises to him.
We see fish swimming and eating praises to him.
All creation doing what they are made to do to praise him!!