Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Look Who's Sitting Up!

Reid is sitting up without support for extended periods of time now! Yay Baby Reid! He can push up on to all fours (I saw him rocking on all fours on the carpet in his room today), but because our house has hardwoods, he usually just slips down to his belly!

Ethan asked for some cheese for a snack this morning. I was gone no more than 5 minutes, and when I came back he had created this cheese and raisin "sample tray." He was saying, "Samples for sale! Fifty cents a sample!"

We think Sydney & Reid really look alike! She is a terrific big sister!


The Perreca Family said...

I can't believe he's sitting up! The whole Ethan selling his snack cracks me up! And yes, I agree that R looks like S!

Unknown said...

such cutie's!!! Reid is getting so big, so quickly - it's amazing. Watching him grow is almost surreal. Somehow you notice more in other's children...
They are adorable.

Beth Cotell said...

What great pictures! I love the sample tray!

I came here from Jenn's blog when I noticed Arcadia in the title. I am in MOPS and talked to you briefly at the last meeting although I don't think I officially introduced myself.

Beverly said...

Great job, Reid! I know that your family is proud of you. (Sure makes things easier when they can sit up and look around, doesn't it, Mel?)

As for Ethan, it sounds like you have quite the little entrepreneur on your hands!