Saturday, August 30, 2008

Soccer Star Sydney!

Tonight was Sydney's first soccer practice. She's one of two girls on a team of 7 kids. She had a great time, as you will see in the pictures. She took off with the ball during drills and had a blast playing with the other kids. The field was just minutes from our house, and it was nice to have something close to us for a change! Her first game will be next Saturday, and Ethan's first practice/game is this upcoming Tuesday night.

The Team With Coach Doug
Learning to stop the ball
Water Break!
Learning to block the goal
Goalie Playing a practice game


Trish said...

Oh how cute! I know they are both going to have such a great time playing soccer this year. I'm sure Jeff is so proud! :)

The Perreca Family said...

Watch out Mia Hamm (she was/is the super soccer starr, right?!!). How adorable Miss Sydney is!!

Melanie said...

Hey Lisa! Yes, you got it right with Mia Hamm. Actually, she has a great children's book out called "Winners Never Quit" that we picked up at our library. I'm off to look at your blog now!

Beverly said...

It looks like she's having a great time! Good luck with the first week of homeschooling!!!
(Oh, and let me know how Ethan likes soccer.)