Sunday, September 21, 2008

First Day of School

Sydney's first day of school was 2 weeks ago, and we all had a great morning! We go every Monday morning to supplement our homeschool. Here she is with her new backpack.

The Chandler Crew!

I love that our whole family can be so active in our homeschool and our classical school. Ethan really enjoys being in Sydney's classroom even though he has to sit on the sidelines and just watch and listen. Consequently, he is learning quite a bit! I have spent some time in the nursery with Reid when he's not napping, but some of the other moms with young kids and I will rotate nursery shifts so we can each spend as much time as possible in our children's classrooms.

Below are Sydney and her good friend Abigail. Believe it or not, Sydney is several months older than Abigail! Sydney is in the 10th percentile for height, and Abigail is tall for her age, so they almost look a year apart!

The photo below is Sydney's class. There are 8 students total, but only 4 are pictured here.

Every week the students have to do presentations, which is just like show and tell at this age. Like her mom, she enjoys speaking in front of groups.

After class time, all the families eat lunch together, which has been a great way to get to know other moms homeschooling classically. (Our Monday morning Foundations program is for elementary aged students, but Classical Conversations goes all the up through high school.) The kids love to play after eating and we come home ready for naps! :-)


Kerri said...

It was so good to see you this weekend! You're just as sweet as I remember. I think it's great that you are doing classical homeschooling. It sounds like you have a good core group at Redeemer. That's awesome. The pictures are too cute! All three of the kids are adorable. Sydney looks so grown up giving her presentation. Wish I could've heard it in person!! If Jonathan and I ever have kids :) I'll be calling you for "mommy" advice. Love you, Kerri

FreeK said...

I knew you would love to blog. I was just telling Mitch it stinks not to have my own computer right now because I don't have access to all of my favorite blogs. I did have yours on my computer before it crashed, but he wouldn't appreciate me filling up his favorites with all of my friends blogs. Anyway, I will just have to ask my Father for another computer, He has given me all that I ever had.

That being said, I really enjoyed talking Saturday night, I feel like I could have stayed up all night talking to everyone if I wasn't so wiped out. Anyway, I had forgotten you and I had so much in common. I am praying that you will develop deeper friendships with women near you. Hopefully this homeschool group and MOPS will be a start. I think that is just essential for women to have other women to connect with. God made us that way. We don't have to have a dozen, just one close one sure does help. I will ask the Father for that for you, I think that's probably more important than a computer.

I also wanted to recomment a book
"What you should know about politics but don't" by Jessamyn Conrad. I just picked it up, but it is very good, and not for either side. Just a suggestion. Great to reconnect. Love you,


Trish said...

I love the picture of Sydney speaking! It does remind me of you. :) It was great to catch up yesterday. Remind me to tell you about Emmaline's turn to speak at co-op. We can't wait to see you next weekend!

Beverly said...

Awesome! I had been wondering how it was going! How sweet that Ethan is so involved, too.

I agree with Trish about Sydney's speaking photo. It looks like she's loving every minute of school. (No big surprise) Thanks for reminding me about that book. I had saved it in my amazon cart, and will have to get it with my next order!


Angie Z ~ Duckwaddlequack said...

How fun! Love that pic of Syd holding her puppy!