Thursday, June 3, 2010

TV Dinners

Today, Ethan finished up his reading lessons from Teach Your Child To Read In 100 Easy Lessons. For his reward, he wanted a TV dinner. My kids have never had these, but they have heard me tell them a story about them. When I was in 4th grade, I spent the night at a friend's house, and for dinner her mom took us to the grocery store to pick out our own TV dinners. I didn't know what a TV dinner was. I remember looking at the boxes and asking what that white square was (it was mashed potatoes!)
Since hearing that story, my kids have been curious about TV dinners. So we trekked out to Whole Foods after the boys had their hair cuts and picked out some gluten free TV dinners! To complete the whole concept of TV dinners, we watched TV- Little House on The Prairie!
In Reid Land, he is talking up a storm! He picked up a penny tonight (Ethan's money for fly swatting- flies have a one penny bounty in our house!) and said, "I need money too!"


Naomi said...

Hi Melanie!!
I'm so glad we met and are able to connect online. I loved your contagiously bright smile - and look at your kids! They all have that great smile too :) What a great conference. So did your kids like their TV dinners? The brownie is always the best part!

amy in peru said...

I think it is hilarious that you bought the fabricated 'tv dinners' at 'WHOLE foods' ahahahahah!

I came over from Living CM in CA...
SO cool that you got to go the Childlight conference!!

amy in peru

Melanie said...

Actually, the kids did not like their tv dinners. They said the food didn't taste real! They did enjoy the brownies, though! :-)

Melanie said...
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