I heard the cutest conversation between Ethan and Reid. A few mornings ago, Reid was crying at 5:30am. I went up to check on him, and he was fine, so I put him back to bed. I stood in the hallway with the light on and heard this:
Reid: Mama goin'?
Ethan: Yeah, boss, she's going to rest just like you are going to rest.
R: Mama goin'?
E: She's going to bed, but she'll be back to get you in the morning.
R: Dada goin'?
E: He's in bed, too, boss, just like you.
R: Dada goin'?
E: In the morning, he'll go to work.
R: Dada goin'?
E: It's a place we can't go. They have candy there that we can't eat.
Then I turned off the hall light.
R: Mama goin'?
E: Yeah, boss, she turned off the light so we could go to sleep. But do you see that little dot of light? If you have to go potty, you can follow that dot straight to the door.
E: Let's talk, boss. Why do Mommy and Daddy get to go on trips and we have to stay with Grammy and Papa?
E: I don't know. Maybe one day we can go on a trip, boss.
E: Hey, boss. Did you ever want to ride a horse? I went to a horse farm once (he was 2.5 yrs old), but I was too afraid to ride the horse. But now I really want to.
Mel: No more talking...good night!
E: Good night!